Thursday, September 9, 2010

First day of school

Hi everyone!

I started school this week! Here are a few pics of my first day! I am so excited here. I know that I have to leave Lightening and Thomas at home though.

I am looking out of the window at the car and ready to go!

I had such a great first day at school. I was such a big boy and walked right into my class. My teaches said that I had a great day!
Here are a few pictures from this summer. Here is me and my dad when I am getting ready for bed.

This is my partner in crime...Cooper! We both LOVE to eat and we like to eat together on the couch. We were watching cartoons and eating lunch on Labor Day.

Texas Fight! Go Texas! Two of my newest phrases for Saturday games!!

I am ready to go running in my mom's shoes! mom hasb't been able to run for a few I am doing it for her in her shoes.
Just relazing!
Today is my second day of school! I can't wait for my mom to be able to tell oyu all about it!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

April Showers bring May Flowers!

Hi Everyone,
I hope that you have had a good few months! It has been a great few months for me too! School is coming to an end for this year. I have 4 weeks left! Then it is summer fun!!

I am still taking swimming lessons each week and doing so good! Starting in a few weeks, I get to move to the big boy class!!

I have been going to church each week. Here is a picture of me last week going to church! I really like going and playing with my friends.

I went to the church picnic a few weeks ago. We had so much fun! They had a bounce house and lots of food. Here I am with Mom, Miss Lindsey and McKelvy!

Mom took this picture of me a few days ago! I had just come in from playing outside. I pretty much spend my entire day outside now that it is warmer!
I can't wait to start going to the pool and swim all the time!
See you soon!

Monday, April 12, 2010


I had the best Easter week!

The Sunday before Easter I got to spend the weekend with Grammy and Grampy! Mom and Dad took me out to the country to spend the night so that Mom could run a race. I didn't sleep that great, but Mom got us up and took us to the park that morning so that she could run and I could play with Grammy, Mema and Papa. Then we went home and got to open Easter presents and hunt eggs!

Then on Easter Sunday, we got up and went to church! There were tons of new kids there to play with and I had a great time. We went to lunch and then home for naps~

When I got up we got to go to Lady Gran's and Grandaddys for dinner! And I got to hunt more eggs! Here are some pictures from hunting Easter Eggs...

Dad decided to make me fly! I was having a great time.
There were so many that I couldn't hold them all.

See you guys soon!

Happy Birthday to me!

Hi everyone - I have been getting a lot of guff about not blogging for a Mom and I have tried to make a commitment to blog once a week! We will see how it goes, but hopefully it will happen.

In the past few months...I TURNED 2!!!! Can you believe it?

Mom and Dad threw me the BEST birthday party! I had all of my family there and also a ton of friends! It was a train theme and it was so much fun!

Here is the table with my birthday cake and cupcakes!

I just HAD to be the one to put the candles on the cake!

Look at all of these presents! Everyone got me the best stuff! I love it all!
There were so many people there that I could not get around to say hi to everyone, but I tried.

Dad and I eating cake! Everyone knows that I am not a big fan of sweets, but I still have fun making a mess!
Overall, it was a great day! I had so much fun hanging out with all of my family and friends! Thanks to everyone that came and helped me celebrate!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Day!!

More presents came on Christmas day and the day after!

Christmas morning was great! I got a four wheeler and a kitchen! I started playing with them immediately!

The only issue with the four wheeler is that it has been much too cold to play outside with it :(. I can't wait until the summer to play on it all the time!

I was so blessed to open so many presents from all of my family.

After Christmas lunch I took a quick nap and we were off to Lady Gran's again for another Christmas party! So much to do. Here are Mom and I after eating dinner.
On Sunday after Christmas all of my cousins came up to visit me! It was so fun to be able to play with all of them. AND...I got even more presents! Look at this great present from my Uncle Shane and Aunt Amanda! I can't believe how much stuff I got!

Overall it was a great Christmas and so far a very Happy New Year!

Christmas Eve

I had a great Christmas Eve.

First I went to Lady Gran and GranDaddy's for breakfast and presents!

I had such a great time getting into everything!

Here I am getting my etch e sketch. It has been one of my favorite presents. I love to draw on it all day!

I also got an airplane from Uncle David. I LOVE it and I ride around it on all day long! So much fun!

Here are the three Doak's...Ganpoppy, Dad and Me.

After breakfast...we came back home and it started SNOWING! Mom cooked all afternoon and then we went to a Christmas Eve Party where Santa's elves brought me a present. Here I am with Dad in the snow! I wanted play of course!

Seeing the Ice Sculptures

Hi Everyone,

I realize that it has been a while since I have had time to write a I am going to update you today on Christmas and all that has been going on. Mom has told me that I need to do this once a week for everyone out hopefully that will keep happening!

Mom and Dad took me to see the Ice Sculptures at the Gaylord before Christmas. It was fun playing with my friends while I was there. Sawyer and Cooper went with us! Actually they invited me!

Here is Sawyer with his Dad. He had a lot more fun than me...he went down the ice slide!

But I didn't like putting on the coat at all.

Here are some of the pretty ice sculptures that I saw! Dad had to take me out pretty quick because I was not happy in there at all!

Once I got out of the was negative 5 degrees in there...I was fine. We went to McDonalds for lunch and I played and played.

The one good thing about that day was this picture of me and mommy...she says it is her favorite!