Sunday, November 23, 2008

My First Thanksgivng Meal

Happy Thanksgiving!

I had my first Thanksgiving dinner this weekend in Winnsboro with all of my family!

Here I am before we left for our trip! Make sure you read my shirt!!

Here I am reading my book before we left. Aunt Emily would be so proud!

Here I am with Kylie. I am just as big a she is and she is almost three! We were having a great time playing!
Madison and Beth were helping Mom feed me lunch. I guess I am too little to have real turkey! I had to eat applesauce... :(

Madison and Beth were trying to entertain me while Mom was doing something else. It was too cold to play outside, but I did get to play with Ella. She is a puppy my size!
Here is me and Mom after lunch.
I am going to Grammy and Gampy's on Thursday for my second Thanksgiving dinner! I hope that it is as fun as yesterday was!
Today Mom, Dad and I went shopping for Christmas presents!! I can't believe that my first Christmas is right around the corner.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I can stand!!!

Hi Everyone!
I know it has been a while...but I am a busy little guy!

In the past few weeks I have been cutting yet ANOTHER tooth! The count is up to 4 total! I have two on top and two on bottom.

I spent the night with Lady Gran last weekend while Mom and Dad went out for a date. Then Gammy, Grampy and Mema came up to see me as well. I ended up going back home with them for a few days and had a great time!! It was fun to go out to the country.

Here is a recent picture of me playing with my toys! I love playing with everything these days!
Here is the big news...I have learnd to stand on my own! Just a few days ago I started pulling up on things and I am becoming so good at it!
Here I am standing and playing with Mom. It is so much fun that I just laugh and laugh...
Just a really cute picture sporting Dad's hat!
I am going back to the country tomorrow to have Thanksgiving with Aunt Sister and my cousins Madision and Beth. I can't wait to have my first Thanksgiving Dinner!

Monday, November 3, 2008

My First Halloween

I had a great first Halloween! My Aunt Chrissy came over and we made dinner and then sat outside on a blanket while all of the trick or treaters came by and said hi. Mom said that I was too young to go this year, but that I could go next year! I can't wait!!

Then on Saturday we went to our first block party. I got to play with all of the kids on our street! I made a new friend. He is just 5 months old and his name is Alex. We played in our exersaucers all night! 7, we had to come in and watch the Longhorns play! Mom and Dad didn't let me stay up for the entire game. I guess it was a good thing since they lost! Dad was pretty bummed all day on Sunday. Here I am on Sunday with Cooper...

Just sitting up and playing with Mom...
Crawling around and being silly!!!
I think that I have another tooth coming in! Mom says that I have been fussy the past few days, but what does she know!!
The time change has been hard on me, but hopefully I will get into the swing of things soon!!!