Thursday, September 9, 2010

First day of school

Hi everyone!

I started school this week! Here are a few pics of my first day! I am so excited here. I know that I have to leave Lightening and Thomas at home though.

I am looking out of the window at the car and ready to go!

I had such a great first day at school. I was such a big boy and walked right into my class. My teaches said that I had a great day!
Here are a few pictures from this summer. Here is me and my dad when I am getting ready for bed.

This is my partner in crime...Cooper! We both LOVE to eat and we like to eat together on the couch. We were watching cartoons and eating lunch on Labor Day.

Texas Fight! Go Texas! Two of my newest phrases for Saturday games!!

I am ready to go running in my mom's shoes! mom hasb't been able to run for a few I am doing it for her in her shoes.
Just relazing!
Today is my second day of school! I can't wait for my mom to be able to tell oyu all about it!