Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Day!!

More presents came on Christmas day and the day after!

Christmas morning was great! I got a four wheeler and a kitchen! I started playing with them immediately!

The only issue with the four wheeler is that it has been much too cold to play outside with it :(. I can't wait until the summer to play on it all the time!

I was so blessed to open so many presents from all of my family.

After Christmas lunch I took a quick nap and we were off to Lady Gran's again for another Christmas party! So much to do. Here are Mom and I after eating dinner.
On Sunday after Christmas all of my cousins came up to visit me! It was so fun to be able to play with all of them. AND...I got even more presents! Look at this great present from my Uncle Shane and Aunt Amanda! I can't believe how much stuff I got!

Overall it was a great Christmas and so far a very Happy New Year!

Christmas Eve

I had a great Christmas Eve.

First I went to Lady Gran and GranDaddy's for breakfast and presents!

I had such a great time getting into everything!

Here I am getting my etch e sketch. It has been one of my favorite presents. I love to draw on it all day!

I also got an airplane from Uncle David. I LOVE it and I ride around it on all day long! So much fun!

Here are the three Doak's...Ganpoppy, Dad and Me.

After breakfast...we came back home and it started SNOWING! Mom cooked all afternoon and then we went to a Christmas Eve Party where Santa's elves brought me a present. Here I am with Dad in the snow! I wanted down...to play of course!

Seeing the Ice Sculptures

Hi Everyone,

I realize that it has been a while since I have had time to write a blog...so I am going to update you today on Christmas and all that has been going on. Mom has told me that I need to do this once a week for everyone out there...so hopefully that will keep happening!

Mom and Dad took me to see the Ice Sculptures at the Gaylord before Christmas. It was fun playing with my friends while I was there. Sawyer and Cooper went with us! Actually they invited me!

Here is Sawyer with his Dad. He had a lot more fun than me...he went down the ice slide!

But I didn't like putting on the coat at all.

Here are some of the pretty ice sculptures that I saw! Dad had to take me out pretty quick because I was not happy in there at all!

Once I got out of the cold...it was negative 5 degrees in there...I was fine. We went to McDonalds for lunch and I played and played.

The one good thing about that day was this picture of me and mommy...she says it is her favorite!