Sunday, December 28, 2008

Does Christmas Ever End???

My Christmas has been the BEST! Does it ever end???
Yesterday I went to see my family in Winnsboro. Mom had to go to Oklahoma for Ben and Cristi's wedding so I went to Winnsboro with Dad and Lady Gran. There were SO many people there. Here are some good pics!

This is me and cousin Brittany...

Yes, Dad is feeling better! I am glad that he went to the doctor so that we can all hang out this week! Mom is off work and we get to play all week!

I have been so busy with all of the Holidays that I have forgotten to mention a few things that have been going on with me...

Here I am in my highchair...I have been eating all kinds of new foods. I ate cream potatoes and really liked them...except for the ones at Lawry's. I didn't really care for those and they came up all over the table right when dinner was served!!

I also have been eating lots of bread and tortillas...and today I had my first taste of scrambled eggs. I really liked those!
I also have been practicing my walking skills. Here are some pics from me walking around with my walker. I got another one today that turns into a scooter from Aunt Chrissy and Uncle Brian.

So many little time!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

What a Christmas!!!

I had the best Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!!!

I went to go see Grandma in Belton on Christmas Eve! Everyone was there and I was able to meet some Aunts, Uncles and Cousins that I had never met! Grammy and Grampy were there too and they came back home with us and spent the night! I was excited!!
Here I am waiting for Santa on Christmas Eve!

I woke up bright and early for Mom on Christmas! It was the earliest I have gotten up in weeks! I knew that Santa had been here! After a few hours, I took a nap with Grammy on the couch so that I could catch up on some sleep

Then the festivities began! Everyone came over to eat breakfast! I haven't been around that many people who love me in so long!! I had a blast...
Then it was time to open presents! Everyone was so generous to me!! But, my favorite present was this one...a box! I played in that box for an hour while everyone else opened presents.

Then everyone left. Mom and I were just hanging out on the floor watching TV...when all of a sudden I just fell asleep! I must have been really worn out! I took a nice little nap there with Mom on the floor
My Dad is sick right now, so I had to go to Lady Gran's on Christmas night. I am there now. Hopefully my Dad will feel better soon and then I can go home and spend the next week with Mom and Dad. They don't have to work all next week!! I can't wait!

Monday, December 22, 2008

My First Christmas

Merry Christmas!!
I had my first Christmas this weekend!

On Saturday night, my Aunt Emily stopped by for just a minute to give me my first Christmas present. Here I am opening my first present. I had so much fun! She gave me an electronic horse to ride while I watch TV! It is a little too big for me now, but just wait! In a month or two I will be ready to go!

Then on Sunday I went to Lady Gran's and we had Christmas with my cousins Madison and Beth. It was so much fun! Shane, Amanda and Kylee were there too! It was fun to play with someone my size! Even though she is two years older than me, I am almost the same size!

I got lots of presents from everyone! I got toys and clothes!

It only gets better this weekend! We have so many more things stayed tuned!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Holidays!!

I know that it has been a while since I have written to you guys! But is has been a very busy few weeks!

It all started the week of Thanksgiving. I woke up that Sunday night VERY sick! Mom and Dad took me to see Dr. Able the next day and he told me that I had my first ear infection! I was sick all week and I got Mom sick too!

Here are Dad and I taking a nap while I was sick! I just wanted to be held all the time...even all night Mom held me while I slept!

But thankfully we woke up on Thanksgiving morning and all felt a lot better! we were to Grammy and Grampy's house. We had been planning on going there for weeks. Here are Dad and I hanging out again...waiting for lunch! Dad was waiting on the Longhorns to play that night!

Here are Grampy and I watching TV...

Mom and Dad left me in Tyler for the weekend so that we could all get some rest! Also, Mom and Dad had to go get their shopping done for Christmas. They came and got me on Sunday and then things got back to normal.
Over that weekend, they did buy me a winter hat to keep my ears warm while I am outside. Here I am modeling the hat!

The newest trick that I have learned is to pull up on everything and stand by myself! Here I am standing up waiting on Mom...
This past weekend Mom and Dad had two Christmas parties to go to on Saturday. I was lucky enough to go to one of them, but not the other. So I went to Lady Gran's on Saturday night and we had fun.
On Sunday, we all got up early and headed off to church. Our family was chosen to light the Advent Candle, so we had to get really dressed up. Here are Dad and I on our way out to church.

Here we are in front of the tree...

Here is the family before church!
I was an angel during the service and during the ceremony. I did get to go to the nursery after the ceremony was over.
Then we were off to brunch and I slept through most of that!
Here we are all dressed up in front of the Santa Tree...
Happy Holidays!!!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

My First Thanksgivng Meal

Happy Thanksgiving!

I had my first Thanksgiving dinner this weekend in Winnsboro with all of my family!

Here I am before we left for our trip! Make sure you read my shirt!!

Here I am reading my book before we left. Aunt Emily would be so proud!

Here I am with Kylie. I am just as big a she is and she is almost three! We were having a great time playing!
Madison and Beth were helping Mom feed me lunch. I guess I am too little to have real turkey! I had to eat applesauce... :(

Madison and Beth were trying to entertain me while Mom was doing something else. It was too cold to play outside, but I did get to play with Ella. She is a puppy my size!
Here is me and Mom after lunch.
I am going to Grammy and Gampy's on Thursday for my second Thanksgiving dinner! I hope that it is as fun as yesterday was!
Today Mom, Dad and I went shopping for Christmas presents!! I can't believe that my first Christmas is right around the corner.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I can stand!!!

Hi Everyone!
I know it has been a while...but I am a busy little guy!

In the past few weeks I have been cutting yet ANOTHER tooth! The count is up to 4 total! I have two on top and two on bottom.

I spent the night with Lady Gran last weekend while Mom and Dad went out for a date. Then Gammy, Grampy and Mema came up to see me as well. I ended up going back home with them for a few days and had a great time!! It was fun to go out to the country.

Here is a recent picture of me playing with my toys! I love playing with everything these days!
Here is the big news...I have learnd to stand on my own! Just a few days ago I started pulling up on things and I am becoming so good at it!
Here I am standing and playing with Mom. It is so much fun that I just laugh and laugh...
Just a really cute picture sporting Dad's hat!
I am going back to the country tomorrow to have Thanksgiving with Aunt Sister and my cousins Madision and Beth. I can't wait to have my first Thanksgiving Dinner!

Monday, November 3, 2008

My First Halloween

I had a great first Halloween! My Aunt Chrissy came over and we made dinner and then sat outside on a blanket while all of the trick or treaters came by and said hi. Mom said that I was too young to go this year, but that I could go next year! I can't wait!!

Then on Saturday we went to our first block party. I got to play with all of the kids on our street! I made a new friend. He is just 5 months old and his name is Alex. We played in our exersaucers all night! 7, we had to come in and watch the Longhorns play! Mom and Dad didn't let me stay up for the entire game. I guess it was a good thing since they lost! Dad was pretty bummed all day on Sunday. Here I am on Sunday with Cooper...

Just sitting up and playing with Mom...
Crawling around and being silly!!!
I think that I have another tooth coming in! Mom says that I have been fussy the past few days, but what does she know!!
The time change has been hard on me, but hopefully I will get into the swing of things soon!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I have another tooth!!!

Yes, it is true!! Mom discovered another tooth this morning! I now have both of my bottom teeth coming in. Mom had been thinking that I had the other one coming in. I guess I had been fussy or something. But I think that when I woke up at 1am this morning, it was a sure sign! I am feeling much better today since the tooth has broken the surface. I took a 2 hour nap this morning and then another hour nap around lunch time!

Friday night, Uncle Brian and Aunt Chrissy came over for dinner. We had a good time!! Here is Aunt Chrissy holding me up while I try to walk.

Mom and Dad love to watch Wheel of here are the boys trying to solve one of the puzzles.
I LOVE to play with my table top toy. Mom had to hold me up for hours while I play with all of the buttons. But Dad found another way to let me play with it while Mom was cleaning the house. I guess this works too!!

Yesterday I actually got to watch my first entire Longhorn game. All of the other games have either been too late or I had to take a nap. Mom and Dad let me watch the entire game and it was a good one!! The Longhorns beat OK State!!
Here I am with Dad watching the game.

Have a great week!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hello...just here to catch you up on the past few days!

I am VERY excited that the Longhorns are #1!!! They play this weekend and I will be able to watch it since it is in the afternoon. Mom and Dad didn't let me stay up for the last one... :(

I am getting so good at feeding myself. I love the puffy crackers. I can pick them up and eat them and they keep me entertained for a long time!

I am also learning how to drink out of a sippy cup. I am not very good at it yet, but I am trying! At least I can hold it on my own and get it up to my mouth.

On Tuesday, Ganpoppy came over and was trying to teach me how to walk. I did a pretty good job!! I have a long way to go and I was really wobbly, but I am getting better at it!

Dad was being silly the other night while he was hanging clothes and put me in "jail". I was just under the clothes hamper, but it was fun to pretend!