Tuesday, May 18, 2010

April Showers bring May Flowers!

Hi Everyone,
I hope that you have had a good few months! It has been a great few months for me too! School is coming to an end for this year. I have 4 weeks left! Then it is summer fun!!

I am still taking swimming lessons each week and doing so good! Starting in a few weeks, I get to move to the big boy class!!

I have been going to church each week. Here is a picture of me last week going to church! I really like going and playing with my friends.

I went to the church picnic a few weeks ago. We had so much fun! They had a bounce house and lots of food. Here I am with Mom, Miss Lindsey and McKelvy!

Mom took this picture of me a few days ago! I had just come in from playing outside. I pretty much spend my entire day outside now that it is warmer!
I can't wait to start going to the pool and swim all the time!
See you soon!